HSSC TGT Recruitment 2023

HSSC TGT Vacancy 2023 The HSSC has Announce an official notice stating that the HSSC TGT Vacancy 2023 has been put on hold for the time being. The HSSC states in the notice that the HSSC TGT Vacancy 2023 online application could not be Announce on 5th October 2023 due to administrative and technical issues. The Aspirants will be further information about the HSSC TGT Vacancy 2023 by HSSC later.

Apply: from 5th October to 26th October 2023.

The candidates must check out the official website of HSSC  for the latest Information on HSSC TGT Recruitment 2023. HSSC TGT Vacancy 2023 had been released by the Haryana Staff Selection Commission on their official website on 27th September 2023. The HSSC has released 7471 Haryana TGT Teacher Vacancy. As per the notification, the Aspirants could apply for the HSSC TGT Recruitment 2023 from 5th October to 26th October 2023.


Cadre: ROH (Rest of Haryana)  and Mewat Cadres.

The Haryana Staff Selection Commission conducts HSSC TGT Vacancy 2023 for various of teaching roles across various subjects, including the Arts, Sanskrit, Urdu, Music, and Home Science, amongst others. There are currently opportunities for TGT positions in the state of Haryana in a total of 8 distinct departments. The Information of the position, as well as the requirements for Candidates, will be presented later on in this Page. The application procedure for this particular Vacancy process is Taken fully through the internet mode of operation. In the state of Haryana, the recruitment procedure for HSSC TGT positions is now taking place for the ROH and Mewat Cadres.


Haryana HSSC TGT Recruitment 2023 Details

Recruiting Authority HSSC: Haryana Staff Selection Commission
Advertisement Number Advertisement Number: 02/2023
Recruitment Title Post of TGT in ROH and Mewat Cadre
Post Title Trained Graduate Teachers (Grade-C)
Pay Scale ₹9,300 – ₹34,800
Grade pay ₹4600
Total vacancies 7471
Category Recruitment
Application window availability 5/10/22 to 26/10/22
Last date of paying application fee 28/10/22
Selection process 1. Written Exam
2. Socio-Economic Criteria & Experience
Official website www.hssc.gov.in

HSSC TGT Recruitment 2023

The HSSC has Announce the recruitment notice regarding the TGT group C posts for various disciplines like English, Home Science, Music, Arts, Sanskrit, Science, Urdu and Physical Education. Aspirants must apply through the HSCC TGT Application Portal within the allotted time window. The age limit for the Aspirants is 18-42 years. The upper age relaxations will be given for reserved categories as per Haryana Govt. norms. The other Haryana SSC TGT Vacancy 2023 highlights are given in the table below.

HSSC TGT Recruitment Latest Update 2023

The HSSC has postponed the 2023 TGT Recruitment. The HSSC TGT Recruitment 2023 Process will be carried out by HSSC at a later date, and the applicants anticipating the HSSC TGT Recruitment 2023 Application Link must not be disappointed. The HSSC will publish the new TGT Recruitment Dates in the near future on their official website. The HSSC gave the official explanation for the delay and postponement of the HSSC TGT Recruitment 2023 Application Process in its notice about the recruitment of 2023.

HSSC TGT Notification PDF

HSSC’s TGT Notification PDF was previously published. To get all the essential information concerning the Haryana TGT Recruitment Vacancy 2023, all candidates must read through the HSSC TGT Notification PDF. On the official website, HSSC TGT apply link will be available soon. All the essential details on the HSSC TGT Recruitment 2023, such as eligibility requirements, age restriction, application procedure, and selection criteria, can be found on the candidates’ website.





Haryana TGT Teacher Vacancy

HSSC TGT Teacher Recruitment 2023 
Post  Vacancy
HSSC TGT English 1751
HSSC TGT Home Science 73
HSSC TGT Music 10
HSSC TGT Physical Education 821
HSSC TGT Arts 1443
HSSC TGT Sanskrit 714
HSSC TGT Science 1297
HSSC TGT Urdu 21
                    (Mewat Cadre)
HSSC TGT Hindi 106
HSSC TGT Sanskrit 212
HSSC TGT Urdu 100
HSSC TGT Science 234
HSSC TGT Mathematics 93
HSSC TGT Music 01
HSSC TGT Physical Education 246
HSSC TGT Arts 260
HSSC TGT Social Studies 83
HSSC TGT Home Science 06
Total 7471

Eligibility Criteria for TGT Haryana

HSSC has set a minimum bar with respect to the educational qualification of the Candidates while there is also an age limit for being eligible for the position of Trained Graduate Teacher in the state of Haryana. These criteria are discussed After in this section.

Minimum Educational Qualifications

  • Aspirants should be HTET (Haryana Teacher Eligibility Test) or STET (State Teacher Eligibility Test) qualified.
  • It is mandatory to have the subject of Hindi or Sanskrit till at least 10th grade.
  • Candidates must have a Graduation Degree with at least a 50 percentile score in a relevant specialization according to the post.
  • Candidates should possess a basic teaching qualification like B.Ed/D. El. Ed/ Dip. in Elementary Education/ Equivalent Qualification.
  • Socio-economic criteria such as teaching experience make up for a 5% selection Number.

Age limit

The generalized age limit for being eligible for applying for the Post of Haryana Trained Graduate Teacher is between 18 to 42 years. However, this range is subject to relaxation on the upper age limit for certain categories of Aspirants (you can refer to the official advertisement for the precise details).

HSSC TGT Recruitment 2023 Application Fees

Category (All Posts) Application Fees
General Male – Female Rs. 150
General Female (Haryana resident) Rs. 75
SC/BC/EWS Candidates of Haryana State Male Rs. 35
SC/BC/EWS Candidates of Haryana State Female Rs. 18
PwD (Person with Disability)/ExServiceman of Haryana No Charge

HSSC TGT Teacher Recruitment 2023 Selection & Exam Pattern

To understand the selection process and exam pattern, the candidates must go through the table below. The criteria outlined in the table below will be used to select participants. To fulfill the criteria, the written test will consist of 95% points, and those who meet Socio-economic requirements and have experience will be given a 5% point bonus.

Subject Marks Percentage 
Written Examination 95%
Socio-economic criteria and experience 05%

How To Apply Haryana TGT 2023 Online?

When the application form comes out on October 5, 2023, you can Enter it out if you meet all the Post for the job you want. Here are the steps you need to take to Fill Up out the online form:

  • Go To the URL www.hssc.gov.in to go to the HSSC website.
  • Top on the Home Page to go to the new website for the HSSC.
  • Open on the tab that says “Vacancy” at the top of the website.
  • Now, go to the Vacancy tab and Press on the “Apply for Job” link.
  • You will be taken to the HSSC’s Vacancy portal.
  • Scroll down to find the Vacancy Panel.
  • “Press Here to Apply Online for the Post of TGT against Advt. No. 2/2023” in this section.
  • Start filling out the Application by putting all the Needs Details in the field boxes.
  • Upload the Needs documents and a photo the size of a passport.
  • Don’t forget to pay the application Cost.
  • Carry a printout of your application form for the future Use round of document verification.

HSSC TGT Recruitment 2023 Important Dates

Check out all the important events and dates related to the HSSC TGT Recruitment 2023 from the table mentioned below.

Event Dates
HSSC TGT Notification Released 27th September 2023
HSSC TGT Application Process Begin 5th October 2023 [Delayed]
HSSC TGT Application Process End 26th October 2023 [Delayed]
HSSC TGT Last Date to Pay Application Fees 28th October 2023 [Delayed]
HSSC TGT Correction Window To be Notified
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